Give away a sardinian basket

Woven by hand

Give A Sardinian Basket - Lady M Sardinia

The Sardinian Basket: uses and materials

The sardinian basket, strictly woven by hand, is an exellent useful and decorative gift that can be used to contain the fruit, as a centerpiece, used in the kitchen to dry the fresh pasta or to contain the typical sardinian bread.

Tradition and materials: the art of weaving was practiced in different regions of Sardinia, and each one using the raw material from the countryside: asphodel, rush, palm and straw. The skill now moves into new materials with raffia colored baskets, a gift for every occasion. 

Give A Sardinian Basket - Lady M Sardinia
Give A Sardinian Basket - Lady M Sardinia

Bread baskets

The sardinian basket, used to store food, bread, fruit but also to decorate the house and to hang on the walls

On, you can find every type and size of coloured raffia basket made entirely by hand. This sardinian artigianal tradition is useful and fundamental in the kitchen. 


Give a personalised Sardinian Knife!

FREE blade engraving!

Take the opportunity to give the gift of a unique, personalised piece!
Buy one of our authentic Sardinian knives and add a personal touch with free engraving of your name and surname on the blade.